Wednesday, 13 August 2014

5 key Skills for Life Saving First Aid

First Aid, basically is the immediate and temporary care given to a person in case of some injury or accident. It is usually performed by a non expert person to a sick or injured person until some permanent help arrive.
The basic first aid can be divided into two different medical situations i.e. Emergency and non emergency situation. These two conditions needs different methods of first aid.
The emergency First aid includes severe bleeding control, CPR, life support, workplace first aid, Heart attack, rescue breathing etc. that needs an immediate response to save the life of victim and needs further advanced medical treatment. Rather, Non emergency first aid includes child birth, muscle pain, minor bleeding cure, abrasions etc that may or may not pray for advanced medical care after having the initial first aid.

To perform a first aid, a Person may require some key skills that are:
  • Calm and Confident
Must not panic during such situation. Must be confident to control victim and make it comfortable with the condition.
  • Quick and Responsive
Must be able to observe the situations and response quickly and must know what to do next. Should carefully know the facts to handle the emergency situations, calm down the victim and clean up the environment around.
  • Decision Making
Must know the further steps of his treatments. Should not daunt with the little failures and immediately decide the best treatments for the worst conditions.
  • Resourceful and Intelligent
Must calculate the complete scene to make use of available resources, materials and bystanders that may help to control the whole situation and secure victim's confidence.
  • Easy Communicator
Must be confident to easily elaborate the task to bystanders to make them effectively participate. Must keep a two way communication with the victim to make it alive and conscious till the situation is not under control.

Having such qualities, one can become a very good first aid provider. He/She can easily undergo first aid training and can save a number of lives.

If you need any information about Canada first aid training, you can contact Devin Jollimore who is a health and safety professional in Canada.

Monday, 11 August 2014

ENFORM Certified H2S Awareness Training

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) gas is produced by anaerobic bacterial decomposition of organic matter normally found near volcanic regions, hot springs, petroleum refineries, paper mills, workplaces and several other places located in hot areas.
H2S is very toxic in nature and smells like rotten eggs. It’s heavier than air, corrosive, inflammable and explosive in nature. Minor concentration of H2S does not affect anybody rather than a foul smell. But, if its concentration exceeds than 100ppm or 200 ppm, its odour become undetectable to humans and it influence very badly starting from irritation, difficulty in breathing and breakdown to death.
In an industrial environment, employees and supervisors are prearranged gas detecting monitors to constantly measure the concentration of H2S in the air while exposed to some place having any level of Risk of H2S gas.
As well, the supervisors are provided proper H2S Alive training to ensure hundred percent safety of all personnel and work machines present in such situation. Mission safety services is a health and safety professional company providing an Enform certified H2S Alive training and certification intended for anyone working in Edmonton or Alberta areas.
The six hours H2S Alive training session teach workforces to easily detect H2S and monitor, identify hazard conditions, initial response strategies, rescue techniques, proper use of Supplied air breathing apparatus and many other supplementary techniques of survival.
For training specifics, please call in & talk with our professionals at 1.780.449.2700

Monday, 4 August 2014

A Guide for Better Fall Protection

Fall are the most leading cause of hazards and major injuries at work places. Every Year, more than 200,000 people are injured and more than 11,000 people die by falls. This all happens due to lack of training and equipment among workers. As workers need to study fall protection guide and learn utilizing a fall harness for easily control work-site falls.

What is Fall Protection?

Fall Protection comes under the various equipment and safety procedures followed by a person to prevent fall hazards. More specifically, it includes the different methods prearranged for a construction site employee who could loose his/ her balance on heights, in order to eliminate hazard.

A Fall protection procedure is a step by step approach towards fall protection that covers all important guidelines needed to be considered that might help avoid such hazards.

Following are some important steps:
  • Determine Safety Level of Fall Hazard Surfaces
  • Elimination of Fall Hazards
  • Prevention of falls by improving the workplace installing guardrails etc.
  • Cross check or pre-inspection of fall harness
  • Appropriate use of Fall Protection systems or equipment.

Types of Fall Protection System:

A fall protection system is an arrangement pre-designed to prevent injuries from falls. Previously, people used ropes and various knots to safely work against the gravity forces. But today, There have designed a variety of systems providing fall protection that are dispensed into two parts:
  1.  Passive Fall Protection
  2.  Active Fall Protection

Passive Fall Protection:
Passive Fall protection system is a non-dynamic/ stationary arrangement that does not move, adapt, or change when in or out of use. While using, there remains no need of active fall protection systems or equipment. These include:

Guard Rails | Nets | Covers | Aerial lifts | handrails | rooftop railing | temporary flooring etc.

Active Fall Protection:
Unlike passive fall protection, these systems are dynamic in nature and require the use of harness, equipment as well as worker's participation. These systems are basically designed to arrest while fall is in progress not to prevent falls.

These are very important when there is absence of passive fall protection system (guard rails, covers etc) and there's a need to prevent slam contact of worker and the lower levels of work-site. The Active fall protection equipment include:

Anchor Points | Full Body Harness | Lifelines | Safety Belts | Static Lines | Swing Falls etc.

OSSA Fall Protection Training and Certification:

OSSA Training
In North America, Fall protection safety training and certification is compulsory to get a job in any work-site thus to reduce accidents, costs and prevent injuries from falls as by CSA(Canadian Standards Association) in Canada. 
This results reduction of hazards rate that also raises productivity of Canadian work places.

According to OSSA regulations, the eight hours fall protection training must deliver the following stuff:
  •  Review of Legislation Compliant with OSSA Standards
  •  Creation of Virtue Fall Protection Plan
  •  Fall Hazard Identification
  •  Fall elimination, Prevention and Control
  •  Identifying the types of Anchor points and their Proper Set-Up
  •  Select and Proper use of Fall Harness
  •  Cross check and pre-inspections of Equipment
  •  Fall Protection Monitoring

For further information about fall protection training or equipment, Devin Jollimore is HSE manager and training coordinator at Mission Safety Services in Red Deer, Edmonton. He can be contacted at 1.780.449.2700 or